Late blooming clematis plants are those that start blooming in mid to late summer, and then continue blooming until the first frost. Keep reading to learn about a few of the best fall blooming clematis.

Clematis Plants for Fall

Below are some common types of clematis that bloom in autumn:

‘Alba Luxurians’ is a type of fall flowering clematis. This vigorous climber reaches heights of up to 12 feet (4 m.). ‘Alba Luxurians’ displays grayish green leaves and big, white, green-tipped flowers, often with hints of pale lavender. ‘Duchess of Albany’ is a unique clematis that produces midsized pink, tulip-like flowers from summer until fall. Each petal is marked with a distinctive, dark purple stripe. ‘Silver Moon’ is appropriately named for the pale silvery lavender flowers that bloom from early summer to early autumn. Yellow stamens provide contrast for these pale, 6 to 8 inch (15-20 cm.) blooms. ‘Avante Garde’ puts on a show in summer and provides big, gorgeous blooms well into autumn. This variety is valued for its unique colors – burgundy with pink ruffles in the center. ‘Madame Julia Correvon’ is a stunner with intense, wine-red to deep pink, four-petaled blossoms. This late-blooming clematis puts on a show throughout summer and fall. ‘Daniel Deronda’ is a fall flowering clematis that produces gigantic, purple, star-shaped fall flowering clematis blooms in early summer, followed by a second flowering of somewhat smaller flowers in late summer through fall. ‘The President’ produces huge, deep bluish violet flowers in late spring and early summer, with a second flush in autumn. The big seed heads continue to provide interest and texture after the blooms have faded. Clematis Plants For Fall   Tips On Growing Late Blooming Clematis Plants - 35