Learn more about the USDA planting zones for Georgia

The above map is the USDA map of plant hardiness zones for Georgia. It is intended to answer the question of what is the planting zones for Georgia. If you wish to learn what your Georgia USDA plant hardiness zone is, you can find where you live on the map and compare the color of that location to the legend to the right. This will indicate what planting zone you live in. This map is from the 2012 USDA plant hardiness zone map. In 2012, the USDA revisited the recognized plant hardiness zones to determine whether the zones needed to be adjusted to account for the warmer climate that we now live in. They found this to be the case, and changed the map to better reflect current climate trends. When you know your plant hardiness zones for Georgia, it will make it much easier to plant your garden. Using plants in your garden that are appropriate for your planting zone will ensure that they survive the winter in your area. You can plant any plant that is in your planting zone for Georgia or lower. Plants from reputable nurseries and stores will be clearly marked with the most appropriate zone. If you wish to grow a plant meant for a higher zone than where you live, you will need to provide extra shelter for that plant in the winter.