About Wyoming USDA Plant Hardiness Map

The USDA revealed its Internet friendly plant hardiness map at the start of 2012. This map replaces the less sophisticated 1990 version and has made some significant changes using accurate data collected over a thirty-year period. Plant hardiness zones represent annual extreme winter low temperatures averaged over time. Gardeners across the country depend on this information when selecting plants for their home landscape. The Wyoming planting map above outlines the hardiness zones within the state. Most of the state experiences very cold winter temperatures; however, there are some warmer pockets. To find your zone you can click on the map to enlarge it. While there are perennial flowers, trees, and shrubs that will do well in the cold Wyoming winter, it is essential to know which ones these are before planting. Failure to consider which Wyoming zone you are in could lead to plant failure and disappointment. For best results when planting anything in your garden or landscape, always follow the planting and care guidelines in addition to choosing plants that are appropriate for your Wyoming zone. Reputable nurseries in your area will only carry plants that are clearly marked with the USDA planting zones that are appropriate for the plant that is for sale.