Why a Spider Plant Looks Wilted
So if you’re asking, “Why is my spider plant wilting?”, you’ll need to do a bit of troubleshooting. When spider plant leaves look droopy, it can mean one of several things. Water – One obvious problem is improper watering. Spider plants need a good amount of watering during the summer – the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Overwatering can also cause problems, however, with wilting and yellowing plants. Don’t let the soil get soggy in the summer, and in the winter let it dry out between light waterings. Light – The wrong amount of light or heat can also result in wilting spider plants. Spider plants do best in bright but indirect sunlight, like in a south-facing window or a space outside that receives less than 6 hours of sunlight. Overheating, a problem that often comes with too much sun, can also cause wilting spider plants. If your spider plant has been drooping in bright, direct sunlight, give it a good soak in a bucket of water for 15 minutes, then move it to a shadier, cooler spot. Of course, spider plants do need some sunlight. If your plant is wilting in full shade or far from a window indoors, move it to a sunnier spot and see if it perks up. Fertilizer – If your spider plant leaves look droopy, it may also be a problem with soil quality. You should feed your spider plant with a balanced fertilizer every other week in the summer and less frequently in winter. Repotting – If your spider plant looks wilted and you can see roots coming out of the drainage holes, your plant is outgrowing its pot. Transplant it to a bigger pot, and water and feed it well. Spider plants can be a little fussy about water and light requirements, but they’re also very durable. If you notice your plant wilting and act to fix it, it should bounce back with no problem.